🛠 Activity

Values circle

⏰ 30-45 minutes mins

This is an activity to encourage participants to reflect on the values that are important to them from a list of pre-done cards.

What you will need

HANDOUT —> “Core Values List” (see end of this page)

How to facilitate

1. SAY:

“We are going to reflect on our personal values and consider how they influence our thoughts, choices and decisions around sex, relationships, and porn.”

🤲Define 'VALUES'

”These are the things that inform how I show up in the world, at home, in relationships."

2. Give each participant the HANDOUT —> “Core Values List”

3. Ask them to look at their list, and pick their TOP 3 values that influence them. Ask them to circle these 3 on their own sheet.

⚠️ NOTE:

Also give participants the option to write or name their own values, which may not be listed.

4. Divide the space into three sections:


5. ASK: “Could you please say one of your three top values?”

  • Do this one by one, person by person
  • When the first person names one of their three top values, prompt other participants to move to the part of the room where they hold this value: As also ‘most important’, ‘somewhat important’, or ‘less important’ to them.
  • Some prompts can include:
    1. What does this value mean?
    2. Why is this important / somewhat important / less important to you?
    3. What is one way that this value influences your decisions around sex, relationships, and porn?
    4. How does this influence our thoughts, choices and decisions around sex, relationships, and porn?
    5. How do your family, friends, and society influence your values?
    6. What happens if any of your values conflict, or may be different from the values of your partner or your friends?
    7. How might our values change over time?

6. Finish by thanking each person for their contributions, and honour their courage and vulnerability for sharing so openly with one another.

Different people have different definitions for these terms, and that’s OK!

HANDOUT - Core Values List

  • Achievement
  • Authority
  • Community
  • Compassion
  • Creativity
  • Curiousity
  • Determination
  • Equality
  • Fairness
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Fredom
  • Friendships
  • Fun
  • Happiness
  • Humour
  • Independence
  • Kindness
  • Love
  • Loyalty
  • Openness
  • Organisation
  • Pleasure
  • Religion
  • Reputation
  • Respect
  • Safety
  • Success
  • Wealth
  • Wisdom

This activity was adapted from the activity ‘Values egg’, from:Hoyle, A. & McGeeney, E. (2020). Great Relationships and Sex Education: 200+ Activities for Educators Working with Young People. Routledge. p18